The application form for renewal of export documents is available below.
The deadline for completing the form is Wednesday 7 February 2024.
Here is some important information:
- It is up to each rider to decide whether it is necessary to renew their horse’s export papers.
- The organiser declines all responsibility for incomplete forms or forms submitted after the deadline, which could affect their renewal.
- Health documents will be available from 6pm on Friday 9 February to Sunday 11 February. Please note that no papers will be issued on Monday 12 February.
- Any request not cancelled in time will be subject to a fee.
- Contact: julia@pec-lemans.fr
Stay tuned and see you soon.
Marie H
All the information you need to organise your visit, find somewhere to eat or stay, see the exhibitors and find out what’s happening at the show is available on the POLE EUROPEEN DU CHEVAL website (link below).