Export form: Important information


The application form for renewal of export documents is available below.

The deadline for completing the form is Monday 29 March 2024.

  • It is up to each rider to decide whether it is necessary to renew their horse’s export papers.
  • The organiser declines all responsibility for incomplete forms or forms submitted after the deadline, which could prevent their renewal.
  • Health documents will be available from 4pm on Friday 3 May to Sunday 5 May. Please note that no papers will be issued on Monday 6 May.
  • Any request not cancelled in time will be subject to a fee.
  • Address and TRACE account to be used: Stade Equestre, Avenue du Baron Roger de Soultrait 60200 Compiègne,TR-5065940

Stay connected and see you soon.

Marie H

All information on catering, partners, events and the Stade Equestre du Grand Parc is available on the COMPIEGNE EQUESTRE website (link below).

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