Health Certificate for Equine Movements to the Stade Equestre de Compiègne
Here is the essential information for obtaining a health certificate for the movement of equines to the Stade Équestre and the Internationaux de Compiègne:
Address of destination:
60200 Compiègne
Trace Number:
We strongly recommend that you check with the health authorities in your region or country of departure whether such a certificate is required. These authorities will also be able to inform you about the period of validity of the certificates and whether they need to be renewed for the return journey.
An online form will soon be available to facilitate your renewal requests. (Available from 20 April to 1 May). It must be completed if you wish to obtain new traceability certificates.
It is up to the rider to decide whether it is necessary to renew these documents.
Stay tuned for further updates.
See you soon.
All information on catering, partners, events and the Stade Equestre du Grand Parc is available on the COMPIEGNE EQUESTRE website (link below).