The application form to renew your health documents is available here.
Only apply if you need new papers to travel to your return destination.
This form must be completed by 17 October 2023 at the latest. After this deadline, or if the form is incomplete, the organiser declines all responsibility if the new health documents cannot be produced. (For information, the compulsory elements for producing the new health documents must be sent before Wednesday morning to the government department so that they can be available on Friday.
Health documents will be established on Friday and will be available from Friday 20th at 6pm until Sunday. No health documents will be issued on Monday 23 October.
Any missing documents should be sent as soon as possible to or handed over on arrival on site.
Any application that has started to be processed, even if it is subsequently cancelled, will be invoiced.
See you soon
All the information you need to organise your visit, find somewhere to eat or stay, see the exhibitors and find out what’s happening at the show is available on the POLE EUROPEEN DU CHEVAL website (link below).