In accordance with Art. 1029 and 1031 of the FEI 2022 Veterinary Regulations, as of 1 January 2022, ALL Horses competing at ALL FEI Events must fulfil the Horse Health Requirements via the FEI HorseApp

Before the show

  • omplete and submit the appropriate self-certification form prior to arrival at an FEI event on the FEI Horse app.
  • Enter the daily temperatures of FEI horses twice a day for the three days prior to the day of arrival at an FEI event on the FEI Horse app.
  • Register your horse in order to inform the FEI of your horse’s whereabouts.
At the arrival
  • On arrival, each horse MUST pass the temperature check before entering its stall. If a horse does not pass this inspection, it may be disqualified from the competition.

During the show:

  • Record the daily temperatures of FEI horses twice a day during an FEI event.

A reminder:

  1. Remember to bring your own thermometer to the Event and make sure it is readily available at arrival as you will have to take the temperature of each horse after unloading them.
  2. Make sure to be accompanied by a second person when presenting your horse for temperature taking,in order to have one person handle the horse and the second person to take the rectal temperature. It is not the responsibility of FEI Veterinarians or FEI Officials to handle your horse when the temperature is being taken.

Stay tuned and enjoy the event!

Marie H

All information on catering, partners, events and the Stade Equestre du Grand Parc is available on the COMPIEGNE EQUESTRE website (link below).

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