November 2024

CDI3* du 8 au 11 Novembre 2024

Don’t Forget the Health Requirements for Your Horses Before Arrival!

Since January 1, 2022, all horses participating in an FEI event must comply with the health standards defined in Articles 1029 and 1031 of the 2022 FEI Veterinary Regulations, via the FEI HorseApp. Here are the essential steps to follow:

Before the Competition:

  1. Self-Certification Form: Complete and submit the self-certification form on the FEI HorseApp before arriving at the event.
  2. Daily Temperature Records: Log your horse’s temperature twice daily for the three days leading up to your arrival via the app.
  3. Location: Register your horse’s location with the FEI for continuous tracking.

On Arrival :

Each horse must undergo a mandatory temperature check to access its stall. If this check is not completed, the horse may be excluded from the competition.

During the Event:

Continue logging your horses’ temperatures twice daily on the FEI HorseApp.

A Few Helpful Reminders:

Bring your own thermometer and have it ready upon arrival to take temperatures right after unloading.

It’s best to have someone with you during the temperature check—one person to handle the horse and another to take the rectal temperature. FEI vets and officials won’t be responsible for handling horses during this process.

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping all horses safe and healthy!

All the information you need to organise your visit, find somewhere to eat or stay, see the exhibitors and find out what’s happening at the show is available on the POLE EUROPEEN DU CHEVAL website (link below).

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